Field Football Card Player Stats Shield
Field Football Card Player Stats Shield
Personalised Football Player Stats Card A5 / A4 / A3 metal sign plaque wall art.
Personalised Football Champions style Stats card, customisable with the following information: Photo, Name, Average Numbers, Player Position, Country, Team.
PRINTED: aluminium 0.5mm metal plaque, 4.72 x 7.87" / 7.2 x 11" / 9.8 x 16". Would look great in any bedroom, bar or office, great home wall art.
SIZE: A5 approx. (12 x 20cm) / A4 approx. (17 x 28cm) / A3 approx. (25 x 40cm) size with sticky pads so you can fix to the wall.
FULLY CUSTOMISABLE: with your Own Photo Player Name, Team & Nation, Position & Overall rating, Stats (Pace, Shooting, Passing, Dribbling, Defending, Physical).
All images you upload will be modified by our design team (removing background from your photo).
All items are made to order within 1-2 working days.
Shipping is usually 2-3 days. Upgrades are available.
We use recycled materials where possible and limit our use of plastic tape.